Friday, October 23, 2009


I just spent 5 hours on part 1 of my marketing assignment, don't think it was worth it.

Unexciting weeks up ahead, full of school, work, schoolwork, projects, deadlines, and general problems in life. Fortunately, i'm muscular enough to conquer them all.

As much as i'm beginning to sound like an emo uni kid, i'm not! I absolutely adore homework, lectures, tutorials, accounting projects and the such. I am foreseeing more nights at grandma's, because i thoroughly enjoy the recluse (as well as the heavenly icy banana milkshake at midnight).

Having said that, i need to start redoing what I've always loved doing. Unfortunately, time constraints do not permit football this weekend. BUT.. anyone up for weeknight chillout sessions at the pub, or maybe late dota nights (occasionally)?

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