Sunday, July 13, 2008


After a rather up-and-down weekend, it is time to face a comparatively demanding week ahead.

On monday, i shall guard maju with pride! Standing tall as a fearsome warrior in front of maju's gates, no calamity shall befall my mighty fortress!

On tuesday, my uniform will embody the spirit of singapore, as i, a proud embassador, will represent my great country in presenting the revolutionary SKYLINE to a much heralded thai general.

sings *mee hoo mee taa hang yao* which translates as: Two eyes two ears one tail. Guess what? YAY YES! The Elephant Song i learned in Chiang Mai!

On Wednesday, i shall head down to the secretive location of HQ (clementi camp) and present to some dudes again. Yes as u can see my week is getting more interesting.

On Thursday, out into the unknown of Pasir Laba Camp as I commence on my combat shoot. It is there where i shall release my alter ego: The Spartan Soldier. I will take down the target with my SAR21 in all its glory. Onward to victory! and only two things can happen:

Failure to get Marksman: TONIGHT, WE DINE IN HELL!

Marksman and $200 reward: TONIGHT, WE DINE IN SAKAE SUSHI!

Good night, and good fight.

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