Why the goverment raised our ERP Rates
Last saturday night while i was at PS awaiting a bus home, i witness a wondrous sight to behold. And i finally figured out the real reason on why the government raised our ERP rates.
Yeah wooo~~!! so nice so fun so cute!! They're having NDP 2008 rehearsals! how spectacular and glamourous. Go Singapore!
To my horror, a glance at my watch revealed that it was only 21st June! Absolutely shocking. I've never seen fireworks being let off so early before? In the past, a humble Singapore would only allow the fireworks to shoot off earliest on the 2nd last rehearsal. Now we're still only 7 rehearsals away, yet the gah-ment decides to let fly these deadly multi-coloured, floral-patterned, money-blowing, greenhouse gas-releasing, sparks-in-your-eye dropping FIREWORKS! Give me a break.
Have you ever thought where the money used to buy these fireworks come from? YES!! Your parents' pockets! Your uncles' pockets! It could even come from your pocket when you buy those cigarettes/alcohol!
Fireworks are almost practically, in my opinion, something like this:
The fireworks rocket-releasing-whatever-thingamajig is put on the ground, then before the guy lights up the firework, he stuffs all your parents' & family's and friends' and YOUR money into the bottom of the rocket, before lighting the ignition thingy along with all your money. Then BOOM! All your money flies into the air and explodes in a multitude of colours! Isn't that just beautiful?
Oh so now the economy is prosperous and our wonderful gah-ment decides to splurge on fireworks. Not only that, to fund their fireworks spending, they actually go on to...
RAISE ERP RATES!! Nice. Now u know the real reason why the gah-ment does such profound things. Think about it, people in China are suffering from the massive earthquake, a hurricane struck Myanmar recently, many Singaporeans still live in poverty, yet this is the best we can do. Imagine your close friend, your next-door neighbour, your family member, someone has come down with a serious illness. Maybe you pay them a little visit, give them a nice little flower. Smile a little. THEN GO HOME AND PARTY!! OKAAAYYYYYYYY~!!!
The least our kind little Pedra Branca-loving noble gah-ment could do, was to blast those darned fireworks only on the 2nd last rehearsal, and donate the rest of the fireworks money to the Singapore needy!! Don't always put up those dumb corrupted, celebrity-i'm-so-pitiful-when-i-train-for-this-stunt-sob-tear-cry CHARITY SHOWS that absolutely RIP US OFF. Instead, make some real direct contributions to those in need. SACRIFICE what you wanted to do and donate it! I mean just donating what's convenient is so insincere and pathetic.
EVEN MORE CRUCIAL than the financial effect is the environmental effect of these fireworks. In an era when the Earth is dying, people want to go green, our dear fireworks are a step backward. Check this excerpt i got from a website:
Fireworks Can Be Toxic to Humans
Depending on the effect sought, fireworks produce smoke and dust that contain various heavy metals, sulfur-coal compounds and other noxious chemicals. Barium, for instance, is used to produce brilliant green colors in fireworks displays, despite being poisonous and radioactive. Copper compounds are used to produce blue colors, even though they contain dioxin, which has been linked to cancer. Cadmium, lithium, antimony, rubidium, strontium, lead and potassium nitrate are also commonly used to produce different effects, even though they can cause a host of respiratory and other health problems.
Fireworks Contribute to Environmental Pollution
The chemicals and heavy metals used in fireworks also take their toll on the environment, sometimes contributing to water supply contamination and even acid rain. Their use also deposits physical litter on the ground and into water bodies for miles around. As such, some U.S. states and local governments restrict the use of fireworks in accordance with guidelines set by the Clean Air Act. The American Pyrotechnics Association provides a free online directory of state laws across the U.S. regulating the use of fireworks.
Fireworks Add to Worldwide Pollution
Of course, fireworks displays are not limited to U.S. Independence Day celebrations. Fireworks use is increasing in popularity around the world, including in countries without strict air pollution standards. According to The Ecologist, millennium celebrations in 2000 caused environmental pollution worldwide, filling skies over populated areas with “carcinogenic sulphur compounds and airborne arsenic.”
Do We Really Need Fireworks?
While Disney’s technological breakthrough is no doubt a step in the right direction, many environmental and public safety advocates would rather see the Fourth of July and other holidays and events celebrated without the use of pyrotechnics. Parades and block parties are some obvious alternatives. Meanwhile, laser light shows can wow a crowd without the negative environmental side effects associated with fireworks.
Will you still go WOW when you see the fireworks on 9 August? I won't.
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