Tomorrow morning, i'm going to blow a month's pay on a digital camera at sitex. So excited yet so excruciating to part with so much money :(
ixus / sony ??? i shall make my final decision tmr. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Tomorrow morning, i'm going to blow a month's pay on a digital camera at sitex. So excited yet so excruciating to part with so much money :(
ixus / sony ??? i shall make my final decision tmr. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Smashed In by
The Fox in the Box
12:55 AM
Thank God for an absolutely fantastic last 5 days!!
Of course on my off days, i had such a wonderful time doing absolutely nothing at home. It's an incredible feeling, i totally felt like a sec2 kid in his december holidays, just finding games to play and with the phrase "i'm bored" constantly repeating in my head. In the past when i was really that age, the older youths in church would entertain me on msn and cannot comprehend how i could feel so bored while they were in the midst of torrid a-lvls or uni exams.
To quote meeshell's friendster testimonial to me 5 years ago, she said "Glen is a silly boi.. I dun understand y he is alwaiz bored hmm...."
1) This is damn nostalgic, brings a crocodile tear to my eye
2) Check out her funky language, of course now she wun ever spell words like that i tink
(btw everyone should go read their own friendster testimonials, it's a damn cool feeling. i hope friendster never closes down so i can always re-read my testimonials.. ahhaah so much more personal than facebook)
Yeah anyway, it's so funny that i remember carmen and meeshell even offering to cure my boredom by playing candystand.com bowling multiplayer mode with me (similiar to bowling buddies)!! Of course, that actually made them bored instead.
But anyways, having said all these..
It was so cool :) just being there to see the whole thing (and of course standing in the sun to usher cars with jeremy was quite fun hahahah). Then to see the bride walk in and then get married and then like OMG ITS MEESHELL.
And i can still recall how about 4 years ago, the youths were having a good lunch at the mcdonalds opposite bugis. Then shaun, shane and i were like asking meeshell when was it her turn to get married. And that her future husband must be top-notch standard, and would have to pass many tests set by the 3 of us before he could marry her, etc. It was really funny ... hahaha then everyone was like laughing it off.
And to recall another nostalgic incident, 3 years ago, when we first me Mr Tan at our church anniversary. haha that was funny. but the real crunch time came during youth camp when we really got to meet Mr Tan, or william for that matter. and of course, it was time to see if he could pass our tests.. heh heh
And really the first test was pretty much the hardest test of all time. To dare to stay up past the allocated bed time with the 3 of us so that we could play dai dee and violate against the camp rules (and face the wrath of the senior youths)! MUAHAHAHA. Not only did he oblige, moreover he actually didn't know how to play dai dee, and was willing to learn from US, THE DAIDEE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE.
Of course we got scolded by carmen after that for trying to corrupt william, and also staying up past bed time. But his bravery and willingness to turn over to the dark side convinced us.
And then the next morning he woke up and did breakfast for everyone. Incredible! There you go! Thats how you pass a test with flying colours!!
The rest, as they say, is history. congrats to meeshell, i'm so happy for you!
yeah and i think i like your name spelt this way, it's so much more funky.
For now, i await the pictures from the wedding. Since the rest of my family is away in beijing, they took the camera so i couldn't take any pictures myself :(
Therefore after ORD, i must treat myself to a camera as an ord present!
Ah how i wish more off days like these would come.. i really like this feeling!! Like on friday, just taking a slow bus by myself down to newton, with my psp and mp3 to occupy me. Then just blowing heart shaped balloons with aunty fung chit, pasting masking tape on the road (which didn't really help in the end lol), and just soaking in the serenity of a cool friday night in total peace. superb feeling. really good. must have that feeling again. soon. please.
But as for now, the feeling must end. Reality hits, and guess what? it's bloody time to bloody book in. Tmr guard duty, wednesday thursday deployment. GREAT!! Good feeling ending in 3...2...1, okie dokes time to bathe and change and pack my bag.
Smashed In by
The Fox in the Box
8:19 PM
yeah yo whats up crazy man
haha after coming back from FABULOUS TAIWAN (i so totally have to go back there again), i thought singapore would be a nice break but NO! many matters have been surfacing and life's a spinner. got my head swirling like a beyblade.
but first of all... PLEASE PRAY THAT WE CAN FIND A YOUTH CAMP SITE!!! *desperate*
yeah, something interesting happened in taiwan. i was in this boutique shop, trying on my uber-cool light green bermudas (in which i can sense all my friends are secretly jealous of), then this gaygay boutique dude was attending to me. Then he said i totally had good fashion sense! Hahahahaha. thats because my springfield black and grey striped sweater looked exactly the same as my black and grey striped byford socks. like whoa yo man this guy's observant.
ok totally random.
ok 'random' is like so jc, as in junior college.
i miss school. seeing the facebook pics that an na posted was.. tear-jerking *emo*
i'm just kidding, but i still miss school life! not a lvls tho! (good luck shane btw!)
ok goodnight guys. s3 sucks!!! have to book in tmr
Smashed In by
The Fox in the Box
12:29 AM